Friday, June 8, 2012

What to wear to a Funeral?

Funerals and Memorial Services. 
We all have to attend them at one time or another.  Sometimes you go to grieve over a loved one and bring closer to your life; other times, you go to support your grieving friends.
Sometimes they're solemn occasions and other times joyous.  
Sometimes they're Going Home Services and other times they're families holding it together. 
So, what do you wear to this type of event. 
If ever there was a time to err on the side of conservative dressing and respect, a funeral is one of those times. 
Alexander McQueen's Memorial Service.
As I faced the daunting task of picking an outfit to wear to my Granny's Memorial Service last week, I asked my dear Sister-in-law what she planned to wear.  Her answer: Traditional Funeral Attire.  I knew this wasn't a time to be crazy and that I needed something black. 
 Hard to believe, but I had only one black top in my closet. 
I guess I just love to wear color!
Time to go shopping! 
I found a pair of black pants and a little black cardigan.  Perfect.
As I tried to find shoes and a top, I realized one of the things Granny always complimented me on was my style.  It might be time to be conservative, but it wasn't time to let her down.  I grabbed a pair of red heels and a flowing, funky top to pair with the conservative black pants and cardigan.  I felt very strongly that to do otherwise would be disrespectful to the memories of my Granny.  She loved my flare, so why would I hide it at the service dedicated to her memory?
If you have the unfortunate need for funeral clothing, don't just grab your blackest suit, or what every you can find in that color.  Think about the person you are honoring.  Think about what they
meant to you and what you meant to them.  For some of us, this may mean jeans and our cowgirl boots.  For others it will mean simplicity and grace.  One service might require a St.John suit to show your respect, while another might need a huge hat! 
Follow the basic tenets of dressing for a funeral, but also be yourself.  
Dress to remember!
What would you wear to the memorial services of one of the greatest fashion designers of all time?

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